S10 (2017)


“Architecture, politically correct or usefully popular?”

Download the booklet by clicking on the image below.

Lezigno - heureuse coincidence 6 2011


Philippe DELIAU, ALEP Paysage


Roger NARBONI, Concepto

Michel PENA, Pena Paysage

Carmen SANTANA, Archikubik

Julien SCHNELL, Urbanica

Jacques VIENNE, Groupe Frey

Benjamin PRADEL, Sociologist, urban planner (moderator)

Guest artists

Jérémie Laruë-Charlus, Painter – 28 juin 2015

Daniel Otero Torres, Sculptor – Eventail – Echaffaudage – Mains

Jean Denant, Designer – Zoom sur pergola

28 juin 2015

Jérémie Laruë-Charlus

“When I paint, it’s always as if I had to define an alphabet, a vocabulary, a punctuation mark… Over time, painting has become a permanent operation of transhipment between the rules defined at the outset (which are different for each new sheet of paper: the choice of a motif, a color, the frequency of a repeated form) and the minute accidents that occur”.


association lezigno beziers heureuse coincidence le seuil des villes
association lezigno beziers heureuse coincidence le seuil des villes





Éventail – Échafaudage – Mains

Daniel Otero Torres

Daniel Otero Torres’ work is the result of a collision, superimposition and fusion of different visual and cultural codes. By juggling space and time, his works remind us that different realities emerge from the same situation.

Zoom sur pergola

Jean Denant

For Lézigno, Jean Denant has created a permanent work of art, in keeping with the site, the landscape and the know-how of the Technilum company. The transparent work traces the surrounding landscape of vineyards, forest and the Montady pond.

association lezigno beziers heureuse coincidence le seuil des villes