S5 (2010)


“Small scale(s) for large projects”

Download the booklet by clicking on the image below.

Association Lezigno Béziers couverture livret heureuse coïncidence 5 - 2010


Dominique Alba, General Manager of Pavillon de l’Arsenal, Managing Director of Apuret

Julia Capp, RDAI architecture

Manuelle Gautrand, Architect

Thomas Heatherwick, Architect

Isabel Hérault, Agence Hérault Arnod, Architect

Mère supérieure Hypandia, Main contractor

Denis Montel, Art director

Gilles Perraudin, Architect

Carme Pigem, Agence RCR arquitectes, Architect

Olivier Vadrot, Co-founder of Cocktail Designers

Lionel Blaisse, architect, journalist and editor-in-chief of ArchiCrée magazine (Moderator)


Guest artists

Collectif Métamorphose, Architects – Impression d’Infini

Roser Ginjaume Gratacos & Sophie
Dalla Rosa, Architect & Landscape architect / Sculptor – Parasit

Impression d’infini


The installation takes on the appearance of a cloud of particles, like a mist floating at ground level. Deposited like morning dew on artificial grasses, each drop of reflection, materialized by mirror spheres, reflects the image of a distorted landscape through its surface.

Lezigno beziers heureuse coincidence colloque petite echelle pour grand projet
association lezigno beziers heureuse coincidence le seuil des villes






Roser Ginjaume Gratacos & Sophie Dalla Rosa

Parasit, a grandiose installation that unfolds across the entire space of the Lézigno art center… Born of an unexpected encounter between textile mesh sculpture and landscape architecture. Oversized in scale, plant meshes nibble away at existing volumes, offering their innards as fertile ground for the plant world.