
S15 (2024)
"Cocorico !"
This 15th edition of “Heureuses Coïncidences” highlighted our shared wealth: French know-how (in architecture and the art of living), with a focus on transmission, export and distribution.
S14 (2023)
"Love & Metamorphosis"
Averses, Amour and Métamorphoses punctuated the 14th edition of Les Heureuses Coïncidences! Love of architecture, landscape, light, art… Metamorphosis of practices, cities, ambitions and much more. In Lézigno, a timeless cocoon has been woven, where the alchemy is obvious…

S13 (2022)
"Even so! And if not?"
S12 (2019)
"Long live (and living) water"
Long live water… Living water… So precious, so vital, so complex… The water of the 12th Serendipity is of a completely different nature. It’s the natural, sometimes indomitable element with which our landscapes and coastal urbanization must come to terms.

S11 (2018)
"Virtuous Cities, Happy Cities?"
This 11th edition of Serendipity gathered our guests around the theme “Virtuous Cities, Happy Cities”. Master builders debated their ability to create Virtuous Cities so that they become Happy Cities…
S10 (2017)
"Architecture, politically correct or usefully popular?"
The Serendipity celebrated its 10th anniversary! A special edition around the theme “Architecture, politically correct or usefully popular?”, and the inauguration of the NBT: the New Technilum Building extension.

S9 (2016)
"(Urban) (re)-conquests"
The theme of the 9th edition of Serendipity was Urban (Re)conquest. The architects present brought the profession face to face with a major challenge: the conquest of territory.
S8 (2013)
"Investigating architectural and artistic icons"
Can architectural icons serve as models? What is it called? Or its reflection? The 8th edition of Serendipity dared to take its usual encounters outside the walls, on the theme of icons.

S7 (2012)
"ElastiCity: the urban body, from extension to rupture?"
This 7th edition of Serendipity multiplies points of view on architecture and on the ways we represent the space we share around the theme “ElastiCity: the urban body, from extension to rupture?”
S6 (2011)
"Unmissable landscapes"
Questioning the appropriateness of the expression “Unmissable Landscapes” and the evolution of the landscape… This 6th edition of Serendipity brought together a variety of views and sensibilities on landscape, both in the garden sense and in the progressive architectural or urbanist sense.

S5 (2010)
"Small scale(s) for large projects"
s4 (2009)
"The Mediterranean, a new architectural Eldorado?"

S3 (2008)
Now a springtime event, the 3rd edition of Serendipity gathered around the theme of ” Innoportunisms “, an unusual and sometimes polemical topic that gave rise to a rich debate between the guest speakers.
S2 (2007)
"The city threshold"
Back in 2007 at Lézigno for the 2nd edition of Serendipity, focusing on “Le Seuil des Villes”, an examination of the urban phenomenon.

S1 (2006)
"Illumination, light and public space"
Discover the first edition of Serendipity, launched in 2006 on the initiative of Agnès Jullian, CEO of Technilum, the association’s cultural patron. Linking industry and culture, heritage and risk-taking, technology and elegance, ambition and mastery… Exchange, dialogue and innovation are the reason for being of the Heureuses Coïncidences.